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How to initialize a block loader Magento 2

How to initialize a block loader Magento 2

How to initialize a block loader Magento 2: Did you want to add loader into **templates/cart/totals.phtml**These some ways to add loader spinner into block or page. 1 Use: <div data-bind=”blockLoader: isLoadding”> /** Block Content HTML */ </div>, with this option you should add **isLoadding : ko.observable(false)** into your Component Example: Block XML Define Block templates.phtml CODE Script Javascript code: Namespace_ModuleName/js/componentjsfile 2: With <div class=”loader”> using rjsResolver js file named “Namespace_ModuleName/js/abc“ PHTML file

How to override Magento 2 js using Mixins?

How to override Magento 2 js using Mixins?

How to override Magento 2 js using Mixins? A Magento 2 RequireJS “mixins” allows you to programmatically listen for the initial instantiation of any RequireJS, How do mixins in Magento 2 work? First, create requirejs-config.js Magento_Checkout/js/model/quote js file you want to rewrite.PackageName_ModuleName/js/plugin-quote target file.plugin-quote.js You can’t access the private variable from Magento_Checkout/js/model/quote. What is a private variable If your source file is returned $.mage.[widgetName] ex : Magento_Catalog/js/price-box.js Your destination file must return $.mage.[widgetName]